For researchers

MobiPerf is an open-source application built on the Mobilyzer library. Mobilyzer is a research-oriented measurement library to support client-based measurements. The library simplifies and systematizes common measurement tasks, coordinates measurements to avoid wasted data and interference between measurements, and supports intelligent, reactive measurement scheduling to support complex measurement tasks.  We encourage other researchers to make use of Mobilyzer to build measurement apps, and to help us make Mobilyzer a more useful tool for a wide range of mobile measurement tasks.

Accessing our data

We make anonymized data available through gsutil. Download and install the file, and then data can be viewed with the command:

./gsutil ls gs://openmobiledata_public

And downloaded with the command:

./gsutil cp -r gs://openmobiledata_public 

Note this will download all the data, which can take a long time.  Individual files can also be downloaded.

Data is in JSON format.  All user ids have been removed and locations have been reduced in accuracy to avoid leaking user information. Locations may not be available for all measurements.

Accessing RRC data

Currently, there are some issues with archiving RRC data automatically.  We have temporarily hosted anonymized RRC data collected over nine months here and will periodically update the dataset until automated data archiving is fully functional. We have additional data collected from an earlier deployment in a slightly different format which has not yet been fully anonymized, so contact us if you want access.